Priya Means Love
Small Flowers Face Oil
Small Flowers Face Oil
An organic, silky, fruit and flowers superfood serum for skin that thirsts for calming, cooling nourishment and balance. Antioxidant rich, inflammation calming, exceptional skin food.
Small Flowers Face Oil is formulated to benefit all skin types, but is particularly beneficial to skin that's out of balance, hot (red/inflamed), acting out, or otherwise cranky. But this face oil also brims with antioxidants and other plant chemicals that help skin stay supple, plus linoleic acid-rich oils which acneic skin needs most of all, and GLA which is helpful for flaking (eczema).
1 oz
Scent: When I close my eyes and smell this on my skin, I see a bowl of passionfruit and green citrus greedily picked with leaves and all, strewn with lacy umbels of elderflowers and little chamomile flowers with their mustardy centers. But it's not strong at all, very soft. It's softly planty, but the elderflowers and passionfruit are there if you feel like attending to it.
Texture: a medium-thick oil, applies easily and absorbs after a few moments to a very soft, silky, plush finish